Hey guys,
how are you all? I've been ill for the past 3 weeks, I went to the doctors in the first week, as I'm not registered with a GP in London, I went to the NHS and they did NOTHING! The doctor said I just had a 'cough' even though I kept saying that I felt very poorly and was coughing up thick green stuff (which is a HUGE sign of an infection!). So I went to a private doctor a few days ago and turns out I do have an infections so I'm on antibiotics. Its very frustrating as I've missed out on 3 weeks work and rehearsals/recordings! ANYWAY
Most of you with a smartphone will probably have instagram! I will do a 'my week in photos' regularly and this will be the first post! If you are on instagram, feel free to follow me @Nadinebelle I'm looking to follow new people with similar interests anyway!
free snog!
vain photos when bored haha
sparkly nails!
Trying some things on in Zara!
Red pointy/round nails!
another boredom photo
Made a DELICIOUS grilled chicken salad, yep I'm one of those people who posts photos of their food.
Glitter nail polishes!
Follow me on instagram @nadinebelle
and twitter @nadine_belle!